The Friends were established in 2011 by community members and leaders from diverse backgrounds to protect the Organs, Las Uvas, Robledos, Potrillos and Doña Ana Mountains in perpetuity for future generations to enjoy. Through the tremendous community support the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument received designation on May 21st, 2014.
Since the designation, the Friends have continued to protect these majestic desert landscapes, restore trails, remove illegal dumping and graffiti and connect our community with these treasured public lands. This past year alone, over 1,000 school children visited the Organ Mountains Desert Peaks National Monument supported by transportation grants. We have built partnerships that extend beyond borders to build the next generation of conservation leaders and we’ve showcased the work of world-class artists who have drawn their inspiration from these special places through their artistic lens and medium.
Now, our work is more important than ever! National interests are seeking to privatize our public lands and regress the work that we’ve done to protect our desert landscape in Las Cruces. To continue to enjoy access to these special places, it’s imperative that our work continues and that we give all members of our community an opportunity to enjoy the Organ Mountains Desert Peaks. We can only do that with your support.
The Friends will continue to Protect, Restore and Educate. We ask for your support by joining our organization today through a donation that will help us achieve our mission.
Ben Gabriel
Executive Director
Friends of Organ Mountains – Desert Peaks